
Common App Personal Statement Prompts

Test Prep and
Academic Tutoring

With over 10 years of customized tutoring experience, we work with students worldwide, via Zoom live sessions, tailoring our teaching style and pace to meet the unique needs of each student.

Test Prep and Humanities

We offer a wide variety of courses to improve student performance in many different humanities areas, focusing especially on test prep, literacy, writing, and history.

AP History

AP English


Academic Tutoring

Parents and Students Love Us:

“Neal是我知道的最好老师,我最欣赏他:1. 博学多才,对经典了如指掌,理解精湛,给孩子布置的文章很有代表性,如校内课程有紧急需要,他可以帮助学生解决问题.”
“孩子说Michael太牛了,第一次觉得写文书也很有趣,之前对写作比较紧张。” Parent, China
孩子很喜欢Michael, 认为Michael的指导非常清晰,很有帮助!