
Common App Personal Statement Prompts

or 1:1

SAT Advanced Classes

Intended for students who already score 650 or higher on practice tests and aim for 800. Course includes

SAT Intermediate Classes

Intended for students scoring below 650 on practice tests, students who have taken very few practice tests, or students who have never taken a practice test.

SAT Ability Classes

Intended for students who are planning on taking the SAT in the future, but not with a set date.



ACT Test Prep

Parents and Students Love Us:

我家孩子和Neal老师上SAT效果很好, 英语部分得了790分
MIT Admit, CA
我家两个女儿都和Neal老师上课, 大女儿上AP World, 小的上阅读和写作,她们说Neal是最优秀的老师, 知识丰富,善于启发,强烈推荐。
MIT Admit, CA