
Common App Personal Statement Prompts

Essay Contests Coaching

For students who love reading and writing, participating in essay contests is a great way to showcase to colleges the students’ reading, writing, and analytical skills.

Our professional writers coach students on the following essay contests:

Students meet one-on-one or in small groups with a professional writer and:

Components of a good story

Goals: Students will

Parents and Students Love Us:

“Michael is great at inspiring students and bringing out their potential. The brainstorming strategies he uses are really helpful, and he always remains patient. Michael is also very professional at editing papers and language choices. It’s especially important to international students.”
Williams Admit
"Michael 老师果然名不虚传,跟孩子一同完成从构思到行文到修改成文的全过程,帮助孩子捕捉到他内心想表达的东西,最大化提升他的特质和亮点,避免走弯路, 文书拿给其他老师看,都赞不绝口,Michael老师文书辅导水平的确厉害!"
Wesleyan Admit