
Common App Personal Statement Prompts

College Admissions

We’re committed to providing the highest quality of coaching and support to students.

College Admissions Counseling for G9-11 includes:

College Admissions Counseling for G12:

Our coaches help students discover their passions, identify colleges they love, and create the strongest applications possible, from the main essay and supplemental essays to activities, awards, resume, and brag sheet.

High School Course Planning Session

We will evaluate students’ course selection, assist them in making a four-year high school course plan, and answer questions about course selection.

Application Review by Three Former Admissions Officers

At least three former admissions officers, with experience working at schools including Princeton, Columbia, UPenn, Williams, Duke, Tufts, Bowdoin, and John Hopkins, will review your application and provide candid feedback before submission.

Extracurricular Activities or Essay Brainstorming Session (new students only)

We believe in the importance of quality writing, a diligent work ethic, and a strong bond between students and coaches. Thus, to make sure there is a good fit, new students can meet with Michael 1:1 to discuss their extracurricular activities or brainstorm an essay of their choice.

Enrichment Opportunities

We coach students to develop their academic edge during the summer and throughout the school year from STEM and Business to Humanities to Science. For example, students who are interested in STEM tend to like the following enrichment opportunities:

Top summer math programs

International Science Olympiads and qualifying competitions

Every year, secondary school students from around the world compete in international Olympiad competitions in math and science. Ultimately, each country fields a team of its top four-to-six students in each field. Here’s a list of the major Olympiads that the United States competes in, along with their qualifying competitions:


Many budding engineers have gotten their start tinkering with robots. You may enjoy these robotics programs:

Build awesome

Sometimes lightning strikes, and you get an idea for something completely novel, a groundbreaking innovation that you just need to build. Looking for inspiration and support as you develop your ideas? Our students have found these programs exciting:

Parents and Students Love Us:

“Michael’s help writing college application essays is greatly appreciated. He not only helped me polish and refine essays, but we also spent considerable time planning writing strategies and content. Michael adapted to work with my pace and my ideas, instead of pushing me to write about specific things on an arbitrary timeline. I really appreciate how he discussed different ideas with me, and, when I got stuck, he was always ready to help develop my ideas further.”
UPenn Admit, Los Altos, CA
“ 由衷感谢Michael和Janet一路支持,感谢Michael老师鼓励孩子Be Himself, 帮助他成长, 成熟!”
UPenn Admit, Los Altos, CA