
Common App Personal Statement Prompts


Community Testimonials

"I have taken multiple courses under Mr. Neal. Initially, I believe that he was just another tutor my mom signed me up for. However, he proved to be someone who challenged me and helped me develope my workin ways I enjoy. I saw myself turn from an immature writer to someone who cares about his work and someone who better understands the writing process."
Student, Palo Alto, CA
“Michael is easy to work with: he’s friendly and humorous. He’s also excellent at prompting words from your mouth, then helping you piece them together into an essay. Through working with him, I not only wrote college essays that helped to get me into Berkeley, but I also improved my writing in general.”
Student, Monterey, CA
“Michael is great at inspiring students and bringing out their potential. The brainstorming strategies he uses are really helpful, and he always remains patient. Michael is also very professional at editing papers and language choice. It’s especially important to international students.”
International Student, CT
“I got the regional gold key of the Scholastic writing award. This is such an exciting and surprising result for me! Thank you so much for your help and encouragement, it supported me a lot. I am looking forward to our future classes together.”
Student, MA
“I’ve studied with Neal for over a year. He is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He made us read classic literature that seemed boring at the first glance, but, after digging deeper, turned out to be very interesting. His creative writing sessions were also very beneficial. Safe to say, 10/10 would recommend. ”
Student, Seattle, WA
"Neal老师互动好,讲课方式创新,清楚知道College Board考点,很清晰,会讲课,一听就是很有经验的好老师,家长自组班的学生们都很喜欢"。
"我的孩子和Neal老师自学AP Art History, College Board 考试得了5分"。
“APUSH 得了5分,感谢Neal老师”.
“老大和Neal老师上SAT英语,孩子很喜欢Neal, 说他讲得清楚,to the point, 老大自己要求和Neal上APUSH, 也让老二和Neal上AP World”
我家孩子和Neal老师上SAT效果很好, 英语部分得了790分
MIT Admit, CA
我家两个女儿都和Neal老师上课, 大女儿上AP World, 小的上阅读和写作,她们说Neal是最优秀的老师, 知识丰富,善于启发,强烈推荐。
MIT Admit, CA
I have taken weekly classes with Neal for two years, and I can confidently say that he is one of the most inspiring teachers I have had. He knows EVERYTHING, from philosophy to grammar to history to literature to atomic physics to the origin of life to quantum physics… you get the point. He is an insanely knowledgeable teacher. Making connections is also a big part in his class…11/10 would recommend.
Student, Seattle, WA
Neal老师教学方式生动,善于启发,特别擅长和学生交流,课堂严谨教学和对孩子鼓励完美结合。 我有高中生和初中生各一枚跟随Neal老师学习,老大之前的写作逻辑不清,词不达意,不知如何分析文章, 通过一年和Neal老师的学习, 分析文章可以迅速找到点子,文章写得清晰成熟,巨大的进步让我大吃一惊。
Parent, Denver, CO
“Michael is great at inspiring students and bringing out their potential. The brainstorming strategies he uses are really helpful, and he always remains patient. Michael is also very professional at editing papers and language choices. It’s especially important to international students.”
Williams Admit
"Michael 老师果然名不虚传,跟孩子一同完成从构思到行文到修改成文的全过程,帮助孩子捕捉到他内心想表达的东西,最大化提升他的特质和亮点,避免走弯路, 文书拿给其他老师看,都赞不绝口,Michael老师文书辅导水平的确厉害!"
Wesleyan Admit
" My daughter was admitted to M&T, Thank you! "
UPenn M&T Admit, Cupertino, CA
"AP Lang 5分,谢谢! "
"Neal是我知道的最好老师,我最欣赏他: 博学多才,对经典了如指掌,理解精湛,给孩子布置的文章很有代表性,如校内课程有紧急需要,他可以帮助学生解决问题. "